Overcome Segregation
You want to eliminate of unlawful housing discrimination and promote of decent and affordable housing through advocacy and education.
You heard from us earlier this year about the elderly couple who told us:
"We felt we were no longer alone.
Your agency is so important to Long Island and to people like us who need help."
You have the power to change the lives of your Long Island neighbors
Your ongoing monthly contribution as a member of Long Island Housing Services Neighbors Club will:
- protect tenants rights
- fight historic segregation
- keep homeowners from losing their homes
- prevent homelessness
You will make a huge impact on housing insecurity without negatively impacting your monthly budget.
You’ll enjoy as a Subscription Giver:
- The knowledge that your donation is put to work immediately
- Hassle-free automatic monthly donations from your credit card
- The ability to change or suspend your donations at any time
- Complete statements provided for tax purposes
- The joy of knowing you changed someone’s life
You can make a difference in the world. Your Long Island neighbors need you!
Your gift of just $10 a month will fight for civil rights.
Say it: Count me in!